Sunday, December 2, 2012

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

              If I could live anywhere in the world, I would probably live in the Bahamas.  I would live in the Bahamas because it is really warm and tropical!  In the Bahamas, the water is aqua and its not like the oceans and beaches we have here.  Its whicked warm!  Also, in the winter the temperature is in the 80's or 90's.  Here it's in the 20's or 30's and snowing!  In the winter, I definatly rather live in the Bahamas!  Another reason why I would like to live in the Bahamas is for the snorkling!  You can see so many different types of fish and, like I mentioned, the water is crystal clear, so, it's easy to see all the fish.  Here, if you went snorkling in the ocean, you wouldn't be able to see any fish because the water is so dark.  One last reason why I would like to live in the Bahamas is because they have a slower pace of life.  People in the islands joke around and say that they are on island time.  When I went to the Bahamas for vacation, no one was in a rush.  Everyone was taking their time and no one seemed to have a worry in their mind.  Here, we are always rushing around and everyones always got something to do.  I just love the islands!


  1. I agree I would totally want to live in the Bahamas also. I have never been but based on pictures and what I have heard from other people it looks like a wonderful place to live. Great Job on this response Julia see you tomorrow.

  2. See I agree with the fish and everything being so exotic and cool, but after a while that would just be everyday things and you might start to think that things here are cool and exotic. Also I don't think I would want to live there. I hate the heat. Anything above 70 is too hot for me. I would much rather be here in Massachusetts where I can wear a cozy sweatshirt and sweatpants and sit by the fire drinking hot chocolate. Don't you think you would miss that.

    1. Yes Kyle, I do think I would miss that! Now that you have brought up that point, I see that I would start to get sick of the hot weather and want to get back to the cold, snowy weather.

  3. Julia, I would like to visit the Bahamas for all the reasons you mentioned, but I think I'd rather live in a place such as Florida. It is warmer than where we live now but, you can easily visit home. I would miss my family and I like cooler weather once and a while.

    1. Thanks for commenting Ellie! I think that the trip to the Bahamas and Florida would be about the same distance and time, though. Also, I think that the Bahamas and Florida are very close in temperature. I do agree with you that I would miss my family, though!:)

  4. I agree with Kyle. Things would get boring after a while, just like they do sometimes here. I also couldn't live in the Bahamas because I sweat like a pig in hot weather, sorry TMI :). I also think you need to watch your grammar and in one sentence, you say that "the water is aqua" but isn't all water aqua? Just a bit confusing to me.

    1. Hahahah Mitch! After you and Kyle both commented that after a little while things would start to get boring, I took that into consideration and realized that things in the Bahamas would get boring. And in the sentence you mentioned above, "the water is aqua", I was talking about the color of the water. Hope that cleared things up for you!

  5. Great response Julia, however I wouldn't want to live in the Bahamas for all the reasons you mentioned. I love colder weather not like
    -100 degrees or anything like that more like 20-40 degrees. Cold is only better because it means no sweating. Sweating is supposed to cool you off however most of the time when it's hot it's humid so the air doesn't absorb sweat so it just sits there making you very uncomfortable. It would be nice to go there on vacation though.

  6. Thanks Pete! Yeah, I don't like sweating either. I don't think anyone does, hahaha! If the weather is really hot, though, you could get a cold tropical drink or go swimming. It is really fun to go there for vaction, like you mentioned. I know that you wouldn't like to live there, but, people there have a slower pace of life and nobodys rushing around. Wouldn't you rather have that?
